Greys & Greens


Going Once…Going Twice…It’s Auction!

2016_06_27I started my day watching the mountaineering class climb the wall in King Arthur’s Court. We definitely have some skilled climbers in this session! I decided to go see what was happening on the tennis courts and found some campers enjoying a game of Queen! What fun! After checking out all the Arts & Craft activities, I heard some cheering coming from the volleyball court. The Land Sports classes were playing a fun name game to help the campers get to know everyone in their class. Throughout camp, everyone has been in good spirits and are really excited about starting a new session!

My wolf friends came back today to visit with the nature class at the Nature Nook and taught the campers all about wolves! Auditions for the play were held today in Castle and boy, do we have some talented campers!! I then decided to see what my friends down at the barn were up to and got caught in the much needed rain! What folly! Everyone was excited to see which cabins got what at the Auction that was held in Castle during Evening Program tonight! My ears are still ringing from all the shouting!

From the hilltops,


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Tajar is something like a tiger, and something like a jaguar, and something like a badger; and if you should see him once, you would forget what he looked like, but if you should see him twice you would forget to forget what he looked like, and that could be quite fatal. The Tajar lives near Merrie-Woode and around Merrie-Woode and under Merrie-Woode and over Merrie-Woode. He's a mischievous little creature, filled with folly, who keeps his ear to the ground on all the goings on at camp!